The voices you get for free
Have you ever noticed that, when you sing, you have a certain voice?
It just seems to appear, almost from nowhere, when you are standing on a stage in a school musical and when you are gathered in front of a beaming birthday celebrant and their brightly lit birthday cake.
You didn’t buy this singing voice at a store, or choose it from a shelf. It just came with you. It just came to you.
It just comes right out of you.
There is another voice that comes for free: a writing voice. This voice might appear inexplicably strong at particular times. For example, you may have an easy time writing a research project on wolves or a creative story about being a Martian. The writing just flows reliably and unexpectedly. It doesn’t feel like a lot of work.
New idea: Celebrate the voices you get for free! Be sure to take advantage of them whenever the opportunity arises.
(This tip also may be of interest: Many-Kinds-Of-Writing-Voices.)