The colors of snow
Because snow is white it is very reflective and takes on the colors of the surroundings. Often, the most important color is blue. The sky is blue and that reflects both on snow and on water. Therefore, a light blue can be used for creating some volume in the appearance of snow. You can also use light gray, green or even yellow. (Be careful with the yellow, though. If snow is too yellow it might just look like something else, and we all know not to touch the yellow snow!)
Look at our squirrel character now and see if you can pick out the colors added to the snow. Doesn’t it look much more like real snow when it is not left entirely white?
Always be sure to add colors lightly, as well.

Consider creating an illustration with a bright blanket of spring snow. The color key above can be helpful as you create voluminous snow!
And, one last note. If you are creating art in more of a comic style, you might prefer all white snow because it looks less realistic!