Keep It Simple!
The elves have a favorite saying. Well, we have many favorite sayings, but this is one of the best.
Keep It Simple.
It is such a helpful saying. And because we hear it so often, we often do just that.
You may think this strange, but in the elven world we wear the same clothes every day. (The hummingbirds are gracious to wash our clothes at night, and hang them in our wardrobes by morning.) When the gnomes, the big elves, the small elves and the other characters wake, we do not experience any delay about what to wear.
Getting dressed is an easy pleasure!
Minnie has a human great-grandniece named Grace, and Grace one day confided to Minnie what it is like for her in the morning before school. Grace recounted that she tried things on, took things off, piled things up and got extremely tired in the process. Not to mention the chaos in her room and the need to skip breakfast due to a lack of time!
Over a hot cup of cinnamon tea, Minnie mentioned to Grace how she keeps her own morning simple. That by having less to choose from, and keeping it simple, Minnie is on her way to the Brain Tip Room in no time!
Grace decided to change things around quite a bit, as you can see…
Footnote: Zobelia the writer elf paid us a visit to ask that we mention that you can keep it simple in your stories, too! If a story feels cluttered and overwhelming, she says to ask yourself how you might Keep It Simple…