Change your point of view
As you work on your skills as an illustrator, you want to think about all of the choices available to you. For example, the point of view.
Take a look at the illustration above. In winter, snow can cover the ground and everything else in a solid white blanket. But maybe there is another point of view on this same scene that makes it feel more interesting.
Let’s take a look inside of Mr. Wiggletail’s home. Yes, it is cold out, but just look at him snoozing the winter away! Notice that all I did here to create that feeling of cold was to add a few icicles and a bit of snow. A few simple details and we have the same feeling of winter with a new and interesting perspective.
And, in the second illustration, I introduce a cozy home and a character, as well!
The next time you sit down to draw, think of a point of view that you have not tried before!